Wednesday 19 November 2014

The full moon

I have a silly habit. I carry my camera with me all the time and wherever I go. I have to admit that I need it more than anything else I have in my bag. Well... silly habits are profitable.


And this was supposed to be a heart... almost.


Monday 17 November 2014

The seaside

Here is another portion of my happy work! I took the photos near Pirbadet last week and made this little animation.


Saturday 15 November 2014

Cats and dogs

Yes I love dogs. Of course I prefer cats as I am a true cat-lady but dogs are good enough to cuddle. Fortunately sometimes people come with their animals to Brygga and luckily I can hug them as much as I want. These two were adorable.


Thursday 13 November 2014

Good morning!

The sunrise this morning made me stop on my way to Stavne to take dozens of photos.


Sunday 9 November 2014

The exhibition

I had the pleasure to go on an exhibition opening of Bjørg Thorhallsdottir's graphics at Galleri SG. The main theme of this exhibition was "Everything is possible". It was fantastic and her works are incredibly interesting, uplifting and heart-warming. This one below was my favourite.

Some things come into our lives to teach us how to let go


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Steinkjer visited Trondheim

My two friends from Steinkjer visited me during one of the last weekends of October. Both of them (Aleksandra from Poland and Josep from Spain) are doing their EVS project in Huze Ungdomssenter in Steinkjer. They planned to hitch-hike, as Steinkjer in not very far away from Trondheim. They managed to hitch-hike only 30 km and they had to take a train from there. Aleksandra and Josep stayed with me from Friday until Sunday evening. We had a lot of fun during the weekend! We decided not to use public transportation as the bus tickets are very expensive so we were walking around Trondheim all the time. We walked almost everywhere mainly because the weather allowed us to do so. Amazingly it was warm and it didn't rain at all! We also tried to party a little bit but we were too late. The parties here end around 2:30 am. This is definitely too early! Oh well... Next time we will set off earlier... maybe at 6:00 pm instead of around 2:00 am... ;)

It's great to be an EVS volunteer!

All rights to these photos belong to the author - Aleksandra.


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Personal project

Personal project is one of the things a volunteer has to do during the stay. I have already started my own and as I love knitting, especially during autumn and winter, I thought it would be a great idea to do something good for the others. My main idea was to knit scarves for the homeless people. Such scarves are quick and very easy to do and I hope that people from Brygga and Stavne can contribute! I also have plans to teach knitting so if anyone is interested - just contact me! Here is the poster I made for Brygga.

I have another idea for a personal project but I won't say more about it now. Maybe later when I'm sure that it's possible :).


Monday 3 November 2014

Winter is coming

Yes, winter is coming and it's even closer than I expected. I took this photo on my way to work last Thursday. My advice: Start preparing yourselves for the cold, windy, dark and frosty months. It's hight time to dig out some warm clothes from the wardrobe! I love winter especially when I can sit at home with some hot chocolate, read a book or watch a film while being covered with pillows and blankets. Oh yes! I forgot to mention the snow outside, yes I like it. :)


Saturday 1 November 2014

Halloween at Brygga

Yesterday we had a lot of fun at Brygga! When I arrived the whole place was decorated with scary pumpkins, disgusting spiders hanging from huge spider webs, evil mandarins and candles. Spooooky. I don't celebrate Halloween but I must admit the place was looking awesome! We also baked a carrot and pumpkin cake and we decorated it with licorice and chocolate spiders. It was delicious, well... too delicious because I ate three pieces.. three and a half, maybe :).
